среда, 15 апреля 2015 г.

2. Citrix XenMobile: Configuring Citrix AccessGateway and Citrix AppController 9

For configure AccessGateway to proxy connections to AppController you need:
1. Accessgateway with at least 10.1: Build 126.1203.e.nc (e means enhanced) in SmartAccessMode;
2. Configure authentication policy for AppController on AccessGateway;
3. Configure Session policy for ApPController on AccessGateway;
4. Add AccessGateway callback information in AppController settings.

In expression for AppController I'm using "zenprise", it works with android and iOS devices.

For multiple domain environment just create new authentication policy for sub domain and don't use SSO Name Attribute (leave field empty). Also, leave empty Single Sign-on domain domain in session policy PL_WX.

Now we need to configure AppController fo access from AccessGateway:

1. Go to https://appcontroller.company.com:4443/ControlPoint/

2. Click "Settings" - "Deploy" and configure accessgateway infromation like on the screenshot.

Thats it. You can verify your settings by connecting to accessgateway.company.com with WorxHome client (don't forget to uncheck "Require Device Manager enrollment in Settings -XenMobile MDM on AppController).

1. Citrix Xenmobile: Deploy prerequisites
2. Citrix Xenmobile: Configuring Citrix AccessGateway and Citrix AppController 9

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